The 1929 Nile Waters Agreement Pdf
The Egyptian prime minister`s letter indicates how much water Sudan can be allowed to remove. It also determines how and where this quantity is recorded. Criticism of the Wafd tackles these last details. He argues that they go against the spirit of the agreement. No attempt is made here to convey the controversy presented in this way. Its practical solution will depend largely on the good faith with which the agreement enters into force. In the light of current knowledge, this good faith should be presumed. My argument is that the strength of agreements made in modern times and Egypt`s threats to use military force are questionable for two reasons. First, the former colonies are now independent nations and should be part of the negotiations for a new agreement. Second, environmental conditions have changed: rainfall is becoming more intermittent and droughts are getting longer. The first agreement was reached between Britain as a colonial power in East Africa and Egypt. Cairo has been preferred to other riparian states as an important agricultural product. Moreover, the Egyptian-operated Suez Canal was crucial to the ambitions of the British Empire.
On Monday, March 23, 2015, the Heads of State and Government of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan met in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to sign an agreement to resolve various issues arising from Ethiopia`s decision to build a dam on the Blue Nile. The Khartoum Declaration, signed by the heads of state of the three countries – Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egypt), Omar al-Bashir (Sudan) and Halemariam Desalegn (Ethiopia) – has been described as the ”Nile Agreement”, which contributes to the resolution of conflicts over the sharing of the waters of the Nile. However, this view is misleading because, as far as we know, the agreement only deals with the Blue Nile Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERDP) project and does not address the broader and still controversial issues of the division of Nile water among all riparian states. Thus, the new agreement leaves the conflict over the fair, just and reasonable allocation and use of the Nile unresolved. He points this out because it shows that London does not want to unfairly exploit Cairo in dealing with ”reserved points” and Sudan in particular. Egypt can literally be described as ”the river that is Egypt,” meaning the land formed by the annual silt-laden flood of the Nile. It rarely rains in this fertile region. The Nile is his life. Deprive it of the water of this stream and it would immediately become a desert. Britain therefore considered that the ”free discussion and friendly accommodation on both sides” mentioned in the Declaration of 28 February 1922 required that the question of irrigation be clarified before the ”reserved points” were considered. But the Balagh, the spokesman for the Wafd, as the party that is now in opposition is called, saw it quite differently and published a lengthy criticism of the deal on May 18.
Parliament did not sit at the time the agreement was signed, so there is no authoritative way to say what the Fellahs think about the issue. However, an unbiased analysis seems to show that the agreement, whether perfect or imperfect, takes a significant step forward in creating healthy Anglo-Egyptian relations and records a net gain for Egypt. It is recognized that Sudan`s development requires more nile water than Sudan has previously used. As Your Excellency knows, the Government of Egypt has always sought to promote such development and will therefore pursue this policy and will be ready to agree with His Majesty`s Government on such an increase in this quantity, which does not violate Egypt`s natural and historical rights in the waters of the Nile and its needs for agricultural expansion. subject to satisfactory assurance of the protection of Egyptian interests, as set out in the last paragraphs of this note. Water for its development, and on the other hand, that Egypt has historical rights over the waters of the Nile, took the form of two letters; the first was addressed by Muhammed Mahmoud Pasha, President of the Egyptian Council of Ministers, to Lord Lloyd, the British High Commissioner, and the second was the High Commissioner`s response. So it is clear that while the world as a whole will applaud the state spirit that assured the Egyptian Fellah that the Nile will remain its river in the first place and that this stream will be primarily intended to make its fields productive, the colony in no way sets a precedent for Colorado or other problems. Political considerations have forced Sudan to subordinate its interests to those of Egypt. The great legal problem that means so much to irrigation experts in the Western world has not been reconciled by the Nile Water Agreement. But Egypt`s difficulties have been overcome, at least for now. And it was this, not the creation of a global precedent, that was the task facing London and Cairo.
Since we recently celebrated Earth Day, it is important that we reflect on the importance of natural resources such as the Nile and understand why they are so important, especially for Africa and its long-term development. In fact, 160 million people depend on water from this important river for their livelihoods. Therefore, the conservation, conservation and use of the Nile`s waters and resources is an effective and sustainable goal shared by all. .