Uc Davis Data Use Agreement
In order to use or disclose a patient`s protected medical information (PHI) for research purposes, an individual (UCD Health) is generally required to obtain written authorization or waiver of approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the UCC Health Privacy Council that meets the requirements of Regulation [45 CFR 164.512(i)]. To access the HIPAA authorization form for research, go to: research.ucdavis.edu/policiescompliance/irb-admin/researchers/irb-forms/ It should be noted that while CORDS v2.0 is clinically richer, the additional data elements are focused on intensive care. Future efforts are planned to also find and include data from surgical and emergency encounters. Search our database for innovative solutions for your business needs. Review the available technologies and familiarize yourself with the technology licensing process. c. Report to the collected company any use or disclosure of information not provided for in the Data Use Agreement and of which the recipient is aware; When the invention is ready for commercialization, UC Davis InnovationAccess will develop a non-confidential description (NCD) of your invention for marketing purposes. A list of companies that might be interested in licensing the invention is compiled from many sources. Perhaps the most important of these sources is the recommendations of the inventors themselves.
These companies receive the MNT and all public publications. Any third party requesting detailed and confidential information must sign our standard confidential disclosure agreement. Fill out a king form (invention registration), sign it, have your signature attested as indicated and email it to InnovationAccess@ucdavis.edu with the original return on investment sent by Intercampus mail, or you can deliver it in person during office hours. If you`re not sure, call UC Davis InnovationAccess for help. Fast and wide access to the data set is paramount. Working with IRB directors on campus and the Office of the President to navigate the regulatory landscape of system-wide data sharing, it was found that the use of this limited dataset should be considered ”non-human research.” Therefore, the use of this dataset by research does not require individual IRB approval for researchers. A data use agreement must be signed by the investigators. Re-identification and patient contact is not permitted.
Downloading or printing the data is prohibited, as is combining it with other data sets (unless expressly authorized by your local manager and the director of the UCHDW). 1. Determine the permitted uses and disclosures of the limited set of data by the recipient that are consistent with the objectives of the research and that cannot involve any use or disclosure that would violate the rule if carried out by the covered entity; A data use agreement is not any agreement that deals with the use of any type of data. If the data you are processing is not ”HIPAA data,” this type of data use agreement does not apply. Since publishing contracts are usually signed by research authors rather than The Regents, compliance rests with the authors. Retroactively changing publishing contracts can be difficult, if not impossible, so it`s crucial to plan ahead, which can start by selecting publishers that are favorable to authors who use resources such as the Sherpa RoMEO database. Information to help authors do this can be found on the UC Davis Library website. Good question! Several UC Davis entities have the authority to negotiate and sign confidentiality agreements, also known as CDAs, non-disclosure agreements, or non-disclosure agreements. Ideally, you`ll work with the unit most likely to help you agree on the next step. If you are reviewing a research agreement, you should contact the Sponsored Programs Office. If you can provide services, work with contract services or sponsored programs – contact one of them for assistance.
If it is software, contact the UC Davis InnovationAccess Copyright Officer. When it comes to transferring materials or discussing/licensing technology, UC Davis InnovationAccess will take over. If you provide personal consulting services as permitted by university policy, you will negotiate and sign the confidentiality agreement yourself, although if you have any concerns about the language related to the ownership of inventions, UC Davis InnovationAccess will be happy to answer questions about your agreement`s compliance with UC guidelines (e.g..B. UC Patent Policy, Conflict of Obligations and Conflicts of Interest Guidelines). To help authors negotiate the terms of publication, the NIH began requiring in 2008 that articles resulting from NIH funds be made available in ”open access” within 12 months. In July 2013, the university introduced its own UC Open Access Policy to help authors negotiate publishing agreements. Version 2.0 is now in use, adding elements to the dataset focused on intensive care and ventilation parameters in the intensive care unit. Version 2.0 has been manually harmonized to aggregate data from the five health systems. UCHDW updates the data weekly.
Below is a brief description of the currently available dataset and plans for creating rich versions. UC Davis researchers who wish to obtain student data for research are responsible for complying with: For more information, see the HIPAA Security Program: intranet.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/hipaasecurity/index.htm If the recipient of the limited registration is a covered entity that violates the data use agreement, it will be considered a violation of the privacy policy. If the data subject company providing the limited data to a recipient detects patterns of breach or breach of agreement, the relevant company must take steps to correct the inappropriate activity. If the actions taken by the captured entity fail, the captured entity must stop disclosing the PHI to the recipient and notify HHS. d. Ensure that all agents, including a subcontractor, to whom the recipient provides the limited file accept the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the recipient with respect to the limited file; and consulting with a company is an agreement between you as an individual and the company. .