Written Agreement with the Vatican
The official text of the agreement will not be published until it has been ratified by the Italian Parliament. A brief official report on today`s proceedings is published by the Vatican and the government. Outside the palace, Lateran Square was filled with theology students of all nationalities dressed in tights. Despite the rain, there was a general atmosphere of joy. The first document of the two-part agreement is a peace treaty. The King recognizes the sovereignty, freedom and independence of the Pope. Italy agreed to pay compensation (about $82,634,000) for papal territory taken over by the government in 1870. The Vatican is given a tiny state over which it exercises full territorial sovereignty. The reduction in compensation from the previously agreed total of $105,000,000 was among the late changes. Below are the possible answers to the crossword note Written agreement between a country and the Vatican.
Representatives of both sides met at a table in the historic Lateran Palace of St. John and signed the agreement to end the dispute that had been going on since 1870. Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister of Italy, representing King Victor Emmanuel III, and Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Pontifical Secretary of State representing Pope Pius XI, signed the historical documents at exactly noon. The council chamber where the ceremony took place provided an appropriate setting for the ceremony. Sometimes known as the ”Hall of the Popes”, it is imbued with an atmosphere reminiscent of a thousand years of history of the Roman Catholic Church. If you still haven`t resolved the written agreement between a country and the Vatican, search our database for the letters you already have! A concordat regulating the conditions of religion and the Church in Italy was also signed. A special financial agreement was signed at the same time as the treaty. The ceremony, dressed with the utmost solemnity and dignity, took place in the utmost secrecy and only a handful of men witnessed the writing of a new chapter in history. Today, at noon, in the Papal Hall of the Apostolic Lateran Palace, a treaty was signed between the Holy See and Italy, in which the Roman question was settled. Only a few policemen or soldiers were in sight. A priest in the square was heard to remark: ”This is a day of Providence – the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Given the difficulties in resolving the Roman question, it is also a miracle. ”During the deed of signature for the Holy See, Monsignor Borgongini-Duca, Monsignor Pizzardo and Professor Francesco Pacelli were present; for Italy, the signatories Rocco, Grandi and Giunta. The Osservatore Romano, the Vatican`s official organ, printed the following statement in a special edition issued immediately after the ceremony: witnesses to the historic ceremony, in addition to Prime Minister Mussolini and Cardinal Gasparri, were Monsignor Borgongini-Luca`s signatories of Vatican staff; Giuseppi Pizzardo, the Pope`s Undersecretary of State, and commendatore Francesco Pacelli, a Vatican lawyer who mediated the negotiations between the Pope and Mussolini; Minister of Justice Alfredo Rocco, Undersecretary of State Dino Grandi; and Francesco Gounta, Under-Secretary of State to the Prime Minister. ROME — The Vatican and the Italian government reconciled today. The second document has the character of a concordat that governs the details of the future relations between Italy and the Holy See. The following official statement was issued by the government: ”The plenipotentiaries were His Eminence, Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of State to His Holiness and Knight Mussolini, Prime Minister and Head of Government of Italy. Archbishop Borgongini-Duca and Pizzardo and Professor Pacelli, a jurist at the Holy See, on the one hand, and their Excellencies, the signatories Rocco, Grandi and Giunta, on the other, witnessed the solemn act. This memorable ceremony ushered in a new era in the nearly 2,000-year history of the Roman Catholic Church.
The pope was again recognized as a lay leader — leader of the small papal state — as well as the spiritual head of the Church, and the pope`s 58-year voluntary imprisonment in the Vatican ended. Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Pope Plenipotentiary and Cavalier Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister, Head of Government and Plenipotentiary of His Majesty Emmanuel III, King of Italy, today signed a political treaty at the Apostolic Lateran Palace that resolves and eliminates the Roman question. In homage to the Holy See`s custom of not publishing its international conventions before they are submitted to the legislative assemblies for discussion, the texts of these conventions will not be published, but tomorrow a complete and accurate curriculum vitae will be given. As the signing was made, Catholics from all parts of the world rejoiced at the colony and the prayers of thousands of churches increased. The Basilica of St. John Lateran was closed to the public at 10:30 a.m. .m. .m and palace was closed and guarded all day.
A concordat was also signed to regulate the conditions of religion and the Church in Italy, also a convention that definitively systematized the financial relations between the Holy See and Italy, which depended on the events of 1870. .